WOW!!!! what great effort Andrew and Anthony each using over 300lbs on their deadlift today!!!!!
Please Roll out your back and Hamstrings for tomorrows wod, you just might need it...Oh and for any of you wondering my 2 favorite barbell lifts are a deadlift and power deadlifts and cleans will be frequent at my gym, so FYI....The day is upon us, bust out the head bands, and get the spandex ready cuz 80'z attire ONLY at atlas 80z night, we will be doing the MICHAEL JACKSON WOD. I will have some paleo friendly snacks, and a few others mentioned on bringing yummys.We will be doing the MICHAEL JACKSON WOD . The video is of my bday buddy Anandi Patel, giving 100% on the end of her wod, We miss you Anandi cant wait till you return, and HAPPY BDAY, BDAY BUDDY!!!!!
AWWWWW I love what you wrote bday buddy! But the video has to GO!! HOW embarrassing! No wonder I was famous tonight.. Ahahahahha!