7 Rounds of ...
7 H.s.p.u
7 Thrusters
7 Thrusters
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Dead Lifts
7 Burpees
7 K. Bell Swing
7 Pull Ups
Good job going heavy, for those that went heavy. Open Gym tomorrows, stop by anytime 5pm to 9pm.
Be wise and get your foam roll on, after a wod like that i know i will, also for those of you with interest in performing better, and taking care of joints, I recommend http://mobilitywod.blogspot.com/, This stuff is just great, and FREE. Kelly S. Has been doing mobility drills and P.THERAPY "since the time before crossfit", and is an avid crossfitter. Owner of San Francisco crossfit. Follow his mobility "wods" daily and i can guarantee an increase range of motion, leading to optimal performance, and less stress on joints. just try this and get a P.R. on Cindy or Mary = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuXxwQfBdu8
Nice! love the video!!!