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Whittier, California, United States

Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Rounds of 1 Clean and Jerk, 5 Pullups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats

Andrew using 175lbs on his Clean n Jerks. Very impressive Sir ! Please be advised that our Friday 6:30pm  class will now begin at 6:00pm from now on, with rumors of open gym hours coming in April to Atlas .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Push Jerk 3 3 3 3 3 then Kelly 5 rounds of 400m Run 30 Box Jumps, 30 Ball Shots

ATLAS  FITNESS before and after shots, alot of blood,sweat and tears, but worth every drop. Thanks again for all the help guys.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


7 Rounds of ...
7 H.s.p.u
7 Thrusters
7 Thrusters
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Dead Lifts
7 Burpees
7 K. Bell Swing
7 Pull Ups

Good job going heavy, for those that went heavy. Open Gym tomorrows, stop by anytime 5pm to 9pm.
Be wise and get your foam roll on, after a wod like that i know i will, also for those of you with interest in performing better, and taking care of joints, I recommend http://mobilitywod.blogspot.com/, This stuff is just great, and FREE. Kelly S. Has been doing mobility drills and P.THERAPY "since the time before crossfit", and is an avid crossfitter. Owner of San Francisco crossfit. Follow his mobility "wods" daily and i can guarantee an increase range of motion, leading to optimal performance, and less stress on joints. just try this and get a P.R. on Cindy or Mary = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuXxwQfBdu8


Monday, February 21, 2011

Hang Clean 5 5 5 5 5 then.... 7min. Burpees, 5min. Air Squat, 2min. Pull Ups 1min. Push Ups *reps for points

Esmi in action in a  5rm 90lb Hang Clean. attendance was sad today, I cant lie so Get well, get back in town, and or just stop being lazy! Be on the look out for limited edition ATLAS PENS, STICKY NOTE PADS,MAGNETS to be coming in march. Speaking of march, we are reminded that our lease here at westman ends in April, we are considering all options and may be relocating somewhere near by. We will keep you updated as we find out.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

800 m row, then 3 rounds of 10 Squat cleans, 20 Pull ups, 30 box jumps finish with 800m run

yes, 80z night was a blast. Yesterday was open gym, this wod was on the board, however only 2 members did it, so I decided to run it again since both members would not be making it in. You guys are not getting out of a wod that easy...REMEMBER WERE CLOSED THIS FRIDAY.see ya sat.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

800 m run, then 3 rounds of 10 knees 2 elbows, 20 pull ups, 30 box jumps, then 800m row.

well, 80z night went off with alot of fun, and some surprise visitors..Thanks to everyone who brought food or drinks,and thanks for the bday wishes. We will do another 80z night in the vast future. Today is open gym, so do you own thing or do the wod on the board..

Monday, February 14, 2011

4 rounds of 400m Run, 3 rounds Cindy, 5 deadlifts (RX is your 5rm)

WOW!!!! what great effort Andrew and Anthony each using over 300lbs on their deadlift today!!!!!
Please Roll out your back and Hamstrings for tomorrows wod, you just might need it...Oh and for any of you wondering my 2 favorite barbell lifts are a deadlift and power clean.....so deadlifts and cleans will be frequent at my gym, so FYI....The day is upon us, bust out the head bands, and get the spandex ready cuz 80'z attire ONLY at atlas 80z night, we will be doing the MICHAEL JACKSON WOD. I will have some paleo friendly snacks, and a few others mentioned on bringing yummys.We will be doing the MICHAEL JACKSON WOD . The video is of my bday buddy Anandi Patel, giving 100% on the end of her wod, We miss you Anandi cant wait till you return, and HAPPY BDAY, BDAY BUDDY!!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

20min. A.M.R.A.P of 12 Wall Ball, 9 S.D.H.P.,6 Ring Dips

Great Push press Monica!!!!!! Elements is going well at 9am sat, FYI I plan to continue free crossfit elements
through out the month of March, So learn While its FREE!! I am excited to also announce a soon to be Sunday morning class with a new coach starting sometime in march...And don't forget Tues. 80's night!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"DANIEL" 50 Pull Ups, 400m Run, 21 Thrusters, 800m Run, 21 Thrusters, 400m Run, 50 Pull Ups

Men use 65 to 95lbs, Woman 45lbs to 65lbs.

Front Squats 5 5 5 5 5 rest then 7 rounds for time of 5 burpee, 10 knees to elbow, 15 K.B.swing

Every wed. from 5 to 9 is open gym at atlas fitness. Try the wod on the board, work on any skill, or past wod you missed. But LEAVE YOUR DATA ON THE BOARD !!!!! Remember that crossfit is best done on a 2 day on 1 day off, or even 3 days on 1 off. SO REST !!!!!!! Above is Annie of cfhq, and that is a 2pood bell boys, if your swing didn't look like hers, then you were not doing a good job. What a lady.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

20min. A.M.R.A.P. 12 Dead Lifts, 9 Hang Cleans, 6 Push jerks

An amrap to remember folks!!! Rx weight for atlas ladies is 35 to 55lbs, mens Rx was 55lbs to 75lbs...For your coach these were the hardest 75lb dead lifts I have ever done, Being sore from Nancy (Rx) the day before. I admired the effort put forward today in an amrap like this where theirs no limit on rounds, just your mind telling you to stop...  Joel ( athlete seen in pic. above ) with 16 rounds Rx. Nicole  with 16 rounds Rx.

Monday, February 7, 2011

BARBARA 5 rounds of 20 pull ups, 30 push ups, 40 sit ups, 50 squats. (rest 3min. between rounds)

... our warm up (lol, what a warm up) today had 33 tire flips for time,gentlemen were on their own while our lady's teamed up for their flips. Great effort robelle, and Nicole . I think Barbara is quickly becoming a crowd pleaser at Atlas....With Barbara, the PUKE factor is a bit of a creeper, waiting in the shadows till that 3rd round to creep around, and the realization of you still have 2 more rounds to go. A great mental challenge wod. Great job to all who got a p.r. on Barbara today! Stretch well tonight and get ready for tomorow!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

5 Rounds of 500m Run, 5 Power Snatch, 10 O.V.H.S.

Today was the 1st  crosssfit elements class at 9a.m. We reviewed movements that we were all familiar with, just needed a lil fine tuning, we perfected our air squat, got the kinks out of our front squats, and introduced the overhead squat to a few...Rosa Maria looking impressive in her newly learned ovhs, not that bad for a senior eh....lol,Great form today Rosa Maria !!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Back Squat 3 3 3 3 rest then sprint 250 meters, 15 Burpees, rest 90 sec. repeat 3x's

Pic above is from yesterdays wod, 100 wall balls is NUTS!!!Good job for all those who choose to stick with the double unders, and not a cone hop....Now you know you can get threw 200 double unders and still walk the next day, well kinda walk...
Today's wod was quick, athletes chose to do either task 1st either 3rm back squats(always use spotter, see video) or run and burpee wod . Rest was 90 sec. between heats. Every heat. in  6:30 class was sub 3min. !!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CINDY 20min. A.M.R.A.P. of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups,15 squats

Special thank you to Esmi, and Luis that make wed. night open gym possible. Remember it is open gym, BUT I ASK YOU WRITE YOUR DATA ON THE WHITE BOARD OR YOU DONT DO THE WOD.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

4 rounds for time of .... 500m Row, Hang Clean x 8, Push Ups x 12, Knees to elbows x 16

The board also had 40 D.H.(dead hang )Pull ups, using the least amount of sets as possible. When something like this is on the board at atlas it is to be consider crossfit skill work, no time limit just working on a gymnastic we could all get better at. The scaling is really all over the place for a task like this ranging from L pull ups,d.h., band ast. pull ups,and ring rows. Proving again that this can be scaled to any level . After brief rest it was metabolic time....women's RX was 55lbs to 95lbs men's RX was 95lbs, to 135lbs...Much respect to Emily who chose a heavy scaled weight, as well as  Today was also the 1st  of many 8:30 open gym hour, only 2 members making it out for that....Which brings me to the open gym topic....An open gym day at atlas means that you can choose the wod on the board or you can do something else ....anything, from Olympic lifting, h.s.p.u., to a wod you missed or always wanted to do . However I ask that you leave me with the DATA, so write on the board what you did, or don't do it...

10 - 9- 8- 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 of D.B. thruster, burpee, sit ups and box jumps

We also did Heavy thrusters as our strength work in the 1st half of the hour, so 3 - 3 - 3 thrusters 1st. then the metabolic work the second half. Rx on the d.b. was really anything between 15lbs and 40lbs for all, and all members were using a 20'' box . EVEN ALICIA ( athlete seen in picture ) Who broke a mental bloc in her head about 20" Box Jumps. GREAT JOB !!! I NEVER DOUBTED YOU!!!! Please Give
your respect to Matt who took a BAD fall on his box jumps today (not the funny box jump fall at all) in Matt's own words he "ate shit". I wish him a speedy recovery, and I know he will be jumping back up their soon.
Brings me to the next point as many of you have heard me say before, if your gonna jump on a box for exercise, the day will come when you will fall off the box. I think anyone  who has been doing crossfit for awhile will have some kind of fall or miss, That's just the nature of crossfit. Either you see the benefits of these exercise or you don't. CROSSFIT exercises can be like strong medicine, just enough and its a perfect cure, but it can be easily done with to much volume, and to often with not enough rest . So do we ban it because we get scraps from box jumps, torn hands from high rep pull ups, or whip marks across our body from a jump rope?????  I guess the answer is up to you, but for me I've been into fitness for over 13yrs and this is as good as it gets fun wise, and results.... FALLING OFF A BOX IS AN INEVITABLE OUTCOME OF LONG TERM CROSSFIT, BUT SO OUR RESULTS!! I leave you with this story.......

once upon a time, a woman was picking up fire wood .
She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow.
she took the snake home, and nursed it back to health.
One day the snake bit her on the cheek.
as she lay dying, she asked the snake
"why have you done this to me?" and the snake answered
"look BITCH you knew I was a snake!"